Sandeep's Nook: JavaScript Page

Miscellaneous Scripts


Below is a script that can help you search for information on the net using any one of the 10 popular search engines that are available to the World Wide Web community. Choose the search engine you want to query using the drop down menu and then enter a topic in the text box that is provided and click the Go button to submit a search to the chosen search engine. If you want to search for more than one particular word you will have to remember to put a '+' or '-' symbols, without any space, in-between all the words. Some sites use AND & OR instead of '+' or '-' respectively.

  Search the Web
Click here for the script.

This small script allows your surfers to add your site to their list of bookmarks (favorites) in IE with just a single click. This simple five line script uses the window.external.AddFavorite object that is supported only by IE 4+. For those using IE an example of this script can be seen at the top left of this page.


This script should enable those who do not have any expensive imaging software to put up an animated effect on their web pages. What this script does is to load 2 or more different images one after the other to give the effect of them being a single animated image. All that is required are different images of the same size to be made and the script modifed accordingly. As many images as possible can be incorporated in the script. The time taken for the images to change can also be adjusted to make the images rotate faster or slower as per the requirements. No example is provided for this script.

Click here for the script.

This is a JavaScript Sun-Sign Finder script. You can find out what your Sun-Sign is by using the drop down list to choose the Month and Date of your birth and then your sun-sign will automatically be displayed in the last text box.

 Month   Date    :   Sunsign 
Click here for the script.

With the help of this script you can put up a text box, like the one below, on your web page that displays alternating messages for your viewers. This saves space as a lot of text can be contained in a minimal display area.

Click here for the script.

Using this script you can put up a unique slide show of photos or other images for your viewers. It also has a textarea that can contain explanatory text describing each slide! It's novelty lies in the fact that your viewers can choose to manually run the slides or go in for the Auto option where the slides move up automatically. There are 4 buttons to choose from: Next, Back, Restart or Auto. Though this script preloads the images, using the Auto feature might still cause some lag between the text and images for those who have slow web connections. Try out the script by clicking the link below.

Click here to see a working example of this script.

Click here for the script.

This script runs a photo album with thumbnails. Clicking on any thumbnail will result in a bigger version of the photo loading in a panel in the center. There is also provision for a textarea that can contain explanatory text describing each photo! No example is provided for this script.

Click here for the script.

This script allows your visitors to E-mail the current page to a friend or friends. On clicking the button the visitor will be prompted to fill in their friends E-mail address and also their own name whereupon their default E-mail program will open with all the relevant details, including the Subject line, typed in and ready to send. All the visitor will then be needed to do is to click the "Send Mail" button. The visitor can also send the page to as many recipients as he or she wants. For this the visitor, on being prompted for the recipients E-mail, can type in as many E-mail addresses as he/she wants, remembering to add a comma in between each different address. Simple and time saving!

Click here for the script.

With the help of this script you can put up information in a very concise manner so as to take up as little space as possible on your web pages. When any item or topic in the drop down list is selected its corresponding explanatory text or information is automatically displayed in the textarea below. The example given is in the form of a pop-up in which all the latest scripts added to this site are put up so that when any script is chosen from among the list it's description is displayed below.

Click here to see a working example of this script.

Click here for the script.

This script is similar to the one above but instead of a drop down menu to choose from, there are radio buttons instead. This script also is useful in putting up information in a very concise manner. It also has the novelity factor.


Here goes the introductory text!
Click here for the script.

This script is similar to the one above with the difference that here there is a provision for images as well. This script can be used to show more details of users, members or products.

Click to view this script.

This script helps you to create a rollover effect whereby an image that is a link changes its appearance when the mouse passes over it. Not only is the effect eye-catching, but it also gives the users some visual feedback before they click any such image link. No example is provided for this script.

Click here for the script.

Using this script the viewers can scroll to any point on the web page by just typing in the X and Y co-ordinates when prompted.

Click here for the script.

This script puts alternating messages in the status line or bar (the gray strip) at the bottom of your browser. To see an example of this script look at your status bar!

Click here for the script.

This script is like the previous one. The difference is that instead of alternating messages, the message in the status bar blinks. No example is included for this script.

Click here for the script.

This script types out any message in the status bar. An effective way to attract the attention of viewers. No example is included for this script.

Click here for the script.

This script scrolls any message in the status bar. Like the previous script it is effective in attracting the attention of viewers. No example is included for this script.

Click here for the script.

This is a helpful script for testing the legibility of specific colour combinations while designing web pages. This script allows users to select a background colour for the web page and place text in different colour, size, and typeface combinations on top of it thus enabling them to instantly check various colour schemes. This is a timesaving tool for web designers.

Click here to see the script!

Click here for the script.

With the help of this script users, especially webmasters, can view offline any web page they designed under different resolutions by simply choosing the resolution from the drop down menu and picking the file from their local drive by clicking the Browse... button. This script is optimal for a monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 or 1154 x 864. This script runs in the form of a popup window. Click the link below to see the popup.

Click here for the script.

With the help of this script you can trigger any function simply by pressing any particular key of your keyboard. This script uses the onKeyPress event handler. No example of this script is provided.

Click here for the script.

This script scrolls any text inside a text box. A simple and short script. It could be used to draw the attention of viewers to any important annoucement.

Click here for the script.

With the help of this script users can put up a Contact Form on their websites. This would be particularly useful for those who do not have CGI access at their host. To see an example of this script and to know more about it click the link below:

Click here to see an example of this script.

Click here for the script.

With the help of this script users can put up a Subscribe Form for newsletters or updates on their websites. This would be particularly useful for those who do not have CGI access at their host. To see an example of this script and to know more about it click the link below:

Click here to see an example of this script.

Click here for the script.

This script picks any random message from a list of messages and scrolls it in the status bar of the browser. No example is provided for this script.

Click here for the script.

This script picks any random message from a list of messages and scrolls it in a text box. No example is provided for this script.

Click here for the script.

This script sorts words alphabetically. The words to be sorted are to be typed into a textarea. On a click of the button the words will appear in another textarea sorted alphabetically and numbered.

Click to view this script.

This script counts the words being typed into the textarea. As users type in the words into the textarea the number of words typed will automatically appear in the text box. This script will be useful for those users who would like to limit the number of words allowed in their forms. Users will not be able to type in more than the maximum words allowed.

Click to view this script.

This script counts the characters being typed into the textarea. As users type in the words into the textarea the number of characters used will automatically appear in a text box. This script will be useful for those users who would like to limit the number of characters allowed in their forms. Users will not be able to type in more than the maximum characters allowed.

Click to view this script.

With the help of this script you can put up your logo on your website in such a way that it floats on the page in any particular location that can be set. The logo hovers at the same place even if you scroll down the page.

Click to view this script.

This script enables viewers to have a look at the Source Code of the HTML file by just pressing any particular key.

Click here for the script.

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Please read the Terms Of Use before using any of the scripts.